Saturday, 18 October 2008


Well. I just found out this song. Quite nice. If, there is tomorrow... We can actually do lots of things if there is tomorrow. Therefore, we must treaure our life just to seek for tomorrow. Haha...

Anyway, great big CONGRATZZ to all PMR students. You all done ur exam edi. Then, we will be next!!! 25 more days!!! Ahh!!!!

I want to buy a new phone. If nothing occurs again, I think I will be buying N 95. And there is a second for me... Still in a good condition. 3 months old. RM1000~
Compared to a new one, RM 14oo ++ loh... So, Im quite confusing now... What to choose ler???
Haiks... lol... Hahaha....

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